with the assertion of de Quatrefages that there are four principal color groups in the human family, of white, yellow, red,
and black races, he adds this from the Mahabharata:
The color
of the Brahmans is white; of the Kshatriyas red, of the Vaisyas yellow, of the Sudras black. Red Rajputs. WQJ.
You have
this idea symbolized in the four castes in India and you will find also that these four castes are found universally throughout
the planet. EXT 508.
of these planetary schools are responsible for the energy flowing through the foremost exponents of the four castes and this
not only in India but in all parts of the world. TCF 1180.
Jupiter (2nd)
- The School of Beneficent Magicians. This planet is sometimes called in the parlance of the Schools, the 'College of Quadruple
Force Units', for its members wield four kinds of force in constructive magical work. Another name given to its halls is 'The
Palace of Opulence' for its graduates work with the Law of Supply and are frequently called the 'sowers.'
which again has been simplified into Master, and finally by the process of word evolution has become plain Mister. But the
Latin is only a transmitter of words. We can equally follow up the historical development of this root until we reach the
Zend where we find it doing duty as the name for the whole priestly caste. TCF 984.
These symbols,
called the "rights and prerogatives of the priesthood," correctly interpreted and truly expressed. The same symbolic inferences
are also to be seen in the Brahmin caste in India. DINA1 746.
priestly caste or Kshetra and Kshetrajna- The struggle between the body and the soul as reined over by Master KH and Master
Morya respectivly. The struggle between the Lunar and Solar Dynastys/Castes. JPC.
Master KH
Brahman Priesthood cast. JPC.
The whole
priestly caste. TCF 984.
The Master
Kut Humi. IHS 55.
Jeremy Condick.